Toyota Harrier problems in Kenya

Toyota Harrier has been a popular car and a dream car to many, while the vehicle is reliable with no frequent breakdowns, there are still some issues that you may encounter when. That is why we will look at common Toyota Harrier problems reported by owners in Kenya below.

Toyota Harrier

Here are problems that the owners of the Harrier have reported:

  • Transmission problems- the main issue that has been reported by owners is a delay in shifting gears, for example, when you shift to D, the car may take some minutes before it shifts to D. This can be solved by replacing worn-out parts of the transmission system or repair. Other solutions include a change of transmission fluid(use the recommended one).
  • Sluggish- a few drivers have also reported slow accelerations, this is caused by problems with the engine or the transmission of the Harrier. Since the cause is worn-out parts, the best thing to do if you encounter this is to visit your mechanic, the problem cause might be dirty air filters, clogged fuel filters, faulty spark plugs or even a problem, with the fuel pump.
  • Other problems- as we mentioned, Toyota Harrier is a very reliable vehicle, there are hence no major problems reported. That being said, you will experience normal problems after tear and wear, this will include body shape deterioration, electrical issues and breakdown of parts.

Also, read Toyota Harrier Price in Kenya and Full review.

Above is a look at common problems reported by Toyota Harrierowners in Kenya, as you can see, there are not many and hence, Harrier is a car that most people can leave with.

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