Toyota Premio VS Toyota Axio full comparison in Kenya

Toyota Premio and Toyota Axio are some of the most popular cars in Kenya. They are both Sedans but still, there are some slight differences between the two, if you are wondering which one to pick or even how they compare, you are in the right place. Below, we will see what are the major differences between the Toyota Premio and The Toyota Axio in Kenya, from the engine, interior and exterior.

Toyota Premio Vs Toyota Axio in Kenya

Before we dive into the comparison it is worth noting that these two vehicles are among the most reliable vehicles in Kenya. They are fuel-efficient and spare parts are easily available lowering their maintenance cost. All this has made them some of the best vehicles in the country.

The Premio is a Sedan car made by the Japanese manufacturer Toyota and has been on the market since the year 2001. Since its introduction, the car has remained in demand but the 2021 model was expected to be the last. The first generation was nicknamed Premio Nyoka and was loved purely by most Kenyans, the Premio 240 and Premio 260 received equal love too.

Toyota Axio just like the Premio is manufactured by Toyota and has been in the market since 2007. In 2015, the car has a facelift, while some people are in love with the new looks of the Axio, others still prefer has the older one looked. Toyota Axio is in the family of Toyota Corolla with its twin car, Toyota Fielder.

Also checkout, Toyota Fielder VS Toyota Premio full comparison.

Toyota Axio Vs Toyota Premio full comparison and differences

Let us dive into the difference between these two vehicles and also compare what they have to offer in the sections below. It is important to note the Interior and exterior of the two vehicles is almost the same, the slight differences are in the engine specs.

Toyota Axio Vs Toyota Premio exterior

Here are the differences/comparison in the exterior of the two Sedans:

  • They both come with 4 doors(two rear and two at the front)
  • The exterior body design of the two is sedan/saloon
  • The ground clearance on both is 6.3 inches, this is slightly below the recommended of 6.5 inches on our roads
  • While most trims of the Premio come with fog lights, the Axio only has foglights on higher trims
  • On both cars, you can expect to get alloy rims on higher trims, base trims come with steel rims
  • Axio is more curved than the Premio
axio exterior
Toyota Axio

Toyota Premio Vs Toyota Axio interior

Just like the exterior, most of the Interior features are similar. Below is a comparison of what you get on the inside:

  • Both of the vehicles are 4 seaters(two front and three back)
  • The headroom and legr5om on both vehicles are okay
  • Both have a medium boot space just like you would expect in a saloon car
  • For the Toyota Premio, you get the back seat armrest in most trims while this is not available on the Axio
  • Premio also has paddled seats but that is not the case for the Axio
  • Other common features available on both vehicles include keyless entry, a rare camera, power windows and safety airbags.
Premio 2008 model
Toyota Premio

Toyota Premio Vs Toyota Axio engine

Here is where you will note the slight difference between these two vehicles:

  • Axio comes with this engine options 1500cc, 1500cc hybrid and 1800cc on the other hand, the Premio engine options are 1500cc, 1800cc and the 2000cc
  • As you will note, Premio doesn’t have a hybrid while Axio does have
  • The Fuel consumption of Axio is as follows 1500cc 18Km/L, 1800cc 15Km/L and the hybrid 1500cc 35.4Km/L for the Premio, the consumptions are as follows 1500cc is 16.6Km/L, 1800cc is 15.3Km/L and the 2000cc is 15Km/L. This usage depends on the driving style and the terrain
  • For both vehicles, you can choose between a CVT, automatic transmission and manual gearbox
  • Additionally, these two Sedans come either as 4WD or 2WD
  • Power for the Axio ranges between 95 and 144ps while that of the Premio ranges 109-158pcs. This is influenced by the engine capacity, transmission type, etc
  • Lastly, the engine tank capacity of Axio is 50 Liters and 55 Liters for the Premio
Toyota premio

Toyota Premio Vs Toyota Axio Price in Kenya

Premio is more expensive than the Axio, it is however worth noting that these vehicles remain at the top high for both foreign used and locally used. The main reason for this is because they are very reliable, easy to maintain, spare parts are available and the fuel economy is great. All this increases the demand hence an increase in the price.

The price of a foreign used Toyota Axio starts from around Ksh 1.3 million while a foreign used Toyota Premio ranges from Ksh 1.5 million to 2 million.

Above is a look at the differences and comparisons of the Toyota Axio and Toyota Premio in Kenya. The cars are both reliable and which you pick will be to your preferential. As you have seen, there are only slight differences and there are on the engine.

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